Helm Commands

  1. export the kubectl config file
    export KUBECONFIG="/path/admin.conf"
  2. to retrieve the client and server version of helm
    helm version
  3. retrieve client and server version of the kubectl
    kubectl version
  4. list the helm repository in the local environment
    helm repo list
  5. update the helm repository
    helm repo update
  6. add the helm repository
    helm repo add <<chart-name>> <<repository-url>>
  7. update and download the dependent charts
    helm dep up <<chart-name>>
  8. Install the helm chart
    helm install <<chart-folder-name>> --namespace <<namespace>> --name <<release-name>>
  9. Retrieve or get values of the installed helm chart
    helm get <<release-name>> >> some-name.yaml
  10. list or verify the status of installed chart
    helm list
    helm status <<release-name>>
  11. list all pods in the namespace
    kubectl get po(d) -n <<namespace>>
  12. watch all pods in the namespace
    watch -d kubectl get po -n <<namespace>>
  13. delete all PVCs in the namespace
    kubectl delete pvc --all -n <<namespace>>
  14. describe the pod
    kubectl describe pod <<pod-name>> -n <<namespace>>
  15. describe the statefulset
    kubectl describe statefulset <<statefulset-name>> -n <<namespace>>
  16. describe the configmap kubectl describe configmap <<configmap>> -n <<namespace>>
  17. delete the helm release
    helm delete --purge <<release-name>>
  18. port forward to access the rest endpoints of the pod kubectl port-forward 7001:7001 <<pod-name>> -n <<namespace>>